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Covid Terminator

Invisi Smart


Invisi Smart has been scientifically proven to kill coronavirus. Effective Self-cleaning Surgical Mask.Effective inhibition of infectious agents present in the surrounding environment is crucial for our biosafety. The use of a self-cleaning sanitising mask will be of great value in the prevention of contamination and disease contraction.

The masks are treated with a molecular coat that is proven to kill 99.9% of all viruses and effective on coronavirus. While other conventional masks offer a certain level of protection, they are often ineffective as they allow germs to be deposited and live on the mask, which further encourages disease.


Product InfoThe product will be packaged in boxes with 50 pieces per box and 72 boxes per carton (1 carton = 3,600 pieces / 14 cartons = 50,400 pieces); will be labelled for shipping. Labelling information applied on the carton, is non-destructible and will contain the following information:

  • Product Name: Invisi Smart
  • Country of Origin: China or India
  • Quantity Per Box: 50 masks
  • Quantity Per Carton: 72 boxes
  • Model Type: Sterilised Coated Surgical Mask 4-PLY Size of Carton: 520mm x 490mm x 590mm
  • Carton Weight: 13.35kg

INGREDIENTSPrimer: Aqua Compound of Peroxisotitanium Hydrate Hydrated Titanium Pentoxide (Anatase) Topcoat: Aqua Compound of Peroxisotitanium Hydrate Hydrated Titanium Pentoxide (Anatase) Silver ZeoliteSAFETY USAGE INSTRUCTIONSBefore putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between face and mask. Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask) with clean hands using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

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The masks are treated with a molecular nanocoat that is proven to kill 99.9% of all viruses and effective on coronavirus. Whilst other conventional masks offer a certain level of protection, they are often ineffective as they allow germs to be deposited and live on the mask, which further encourages disease.


  • Germs are transmitted in droplets and airborne particulate matter to the mask
  • Particulate matter filters cannot inhibit all viruses from passing through Pathogens can often get stuck and can live within them for up to 9 days
  • Infection risk increases when handing contaminated mask (i.e. removing, etc.)


In 2016, we set out to develop a protective solution to help fight the ever-increasing threat of viruses, and since that time we have worked with numerous organizations to develop and enhance the Covid Terminator Solution.

THE MODERN DAY PROBLEMMicroorganisms are common and sometimes essential for life, however, there are a growing number of studies that indicate the increase of pathogenicity in microbes, which can have fatal consequences.

HOSPITAL ACQUIRED INFECTIONSHospital surfaces serve as a reservoir for pathogenic microbes and may be a key role in the transmission of HAIs. Microbes on surfaces can spread directly to people by contact with a growing number of studies indicating that contaminated surfaces can support the spread of harmful diseases.

VIRULENT PATHOGENSRespiratory viruses such as coronavirus, influenza, syncytial virus, metapneumovirus and rhinovirus are contagious and can cause infection that in some cases can lead to epidemic or even pandemic outbreaks.


Our coating is a molecular nanotechnology that is proven to destroy viruses. The active ingredient is titanium dioxide which no other disinfectant has incorporated in their solution.Titanium dioxide is a nontoxic certified EPA and FDA approved (as GRAS) food-contact material exhibiting strong antimicrobial activity. It has been universally proven to destroy any organic substances that come into contact with it. Our technology manipulates titanium dioxide allowing it to bond tightly to the mask.